Ordinary hospital drabness is replaced by the soothing grandeur of sophisticated interior architecture.


Enlivened by the design vocabulary of more traditional building forms - including fine hotels and residences - the public areas and corridors create an environment that is at once hospitable and nurturing. The usual visual clutter of hospitals is kept to a minimum, inspiring a sense of quiet and repose.


The Third Floor interiors are the epitome of repurposing space and use. A medical center need not be sterile; it can be elegant, with timeless materials, colors and furnishings.


The lobby, or piazza space, is the showplace of the floor. The walls are clad in Eucalyptus veneer, playing off of the light colored terrazzo with brass strip inlays that match the bronze clad reception desk. Wall sconces cast a soft glow on the wood paneling making it ideal for artwork to be exhibited.


The tall 9'6" ceiling is subdivided into large fabric panels, which conceal acoustical fiberglass and give the ceiling a refined and non-institutional look. The space continually plays with the relationship between administration architecture expectation and modernity.


The space contracts into corridors. Their monotony is broken by cork flooring, large glass windows, tall doors, and a wood handrail below the windows used to enliven the corridors.


Level 3

Level 14